Awards & Recognition


Through various awards and scholarships, FBLA is a great way to be recognized for your achievements.

FBLA Scholarships

National Leadership Conference Scholarship

This scholarship is designed to award FBLA High School and FBLA Middle School members with funding that will serve as a leadership investment to assist members in attending NLC. The scholarship is to be used for conference and travel-related expenses. Up to 50 scholarships will be awarded.

Criteria & Application Information

  • Open to FBLA High School and FBLA Middle School Members who plan to attend NLC.
  • Must be dues-paid members as of March 1.
  • Must submit NLC Scholarship application.
    • The completed application form.
    • Applicants must have a cumulative, minimum weighted grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale or equivalent. An unofficial transcript must be provided that verifies GPA.
    • A resume outlining involvement in FBLA High School or FBLA Middle School, leadership positions held, and awards received.
    • A one-page signed letter of recommendation from the applicant’s local chapter adviser describing the applicant’s qualifications and achievements, and affirming demonstrated financial aid.
  • One-page essay. The topic: “Define and explain the difference between a leader and a follower.” The essay must be double-spaced and Arial or Georgia 12-point font.

Each NLC scholarship will be $500, plus a complimentary registration to NLC.

Distinguished Business Leader Scholarship

This scholarship is designed to recognize outstanding FBLA members for their activity and involvement in the association. The number of scholarships given depends on yearly contributions to the FBLA Distinguished Business Leader Scholarship fund.


Criteria & Application Information:

  • Open to graduating FBLA High School members who plan to pursue a post-secondary education and become actively involved in FBLA Collegiate at the post-secondary level.
  • Must be a high school senior to apply.
  • Must be dues-paid members of FBLA by March 1.
  • Successful achievement of either the Advocate or Capstone level of the Business Achievement Awards (BAA) program.
  • Must submit Distinguished Business Leader Scholarship Form:
    • The completed application form.
    • A one-page cover letter summarizing FBLA, business, leadership, and community activities.
    • A resume outlining FBLA activities and educational achievements.
    • One letter of recommendation from a chapter adviser, a teacher, or a business/community leader.


Who’s Who

This award honors exemplary FBLA members who have made outstanding contributions to the association at the local, state, and national levels. Each state may enter one participant who is a member of an active local chapter and on record as of paying dues by March 1 of the current school year for recognition at the National Leadership Conference. The entry form must be completed by the State Leader or their designee. Criteria for selection of nominees by the state chapter should include:

  • years of participation in FBLA activities
  • extent of participation in state and national conferences
  • contributions to local, state, and national projects
  • and participation in other activities.

Outstanding Chapter Adviser

Each state may nominate one local adviser who will be recognized at the National Leadership Conference for exemplary leadership, significant contributions to the development of FBLA members, and belief in the goals of FBLA and business education.

Gold Seal Chapter: Hollis & Kitty Guy Award of Merit

The Hollis and Kitty Guy Award recognize outstanding local chapters that have actively participated in projects and programs identified with the goals of FBLA. Active local chapters must be nominated by the State Leader or their designee, and be on record in the national center as having paid dues by March 1 of the current school year. Each state may select two chapters or up to 15 percent of its total number of active local chapters, whichever is greater.